Worship Sundays at 9 am
About Good Samaritan
The people who started Good Samaritan chose the name for its symbolic meaning and connection to service and discipleship.
The name and title “Good Samaritan” comes from a story Jesus told while having a conversation with a man who was well-trained in scripture and biblical teachings about righteousness. The man was interested in hearing Jesus’ teaching and asked him questions about how to live and best be a righteous follower of God. In the end, Jesus instructs the man to go and do it… live a courageous life of merciful service with those he meets every day. If you want to read more, see Luke 10:25-37.

Forgiveness and Reconciliation: Reconciled to God by His forgiving mercy, we embrace forgiveness in speech, action, and relationships.
Reformation and Transformation: Trusting in God’s promise and with daring confidence in His grace, we are open to new ways to discover God’s plan for His Church.
Inclusion and Diversity: Valuing the richness of God’s creation, we challenge dynamics of power & privilege that create barriers to participation and equity in the church & society.
Partnership in Community: By God’s grace and with His help, we seek to form & maintain relationships with all those around us to further God’s Kingdom and display His love for all.
Courageous: Trusting in God’s plan, grace, and power, we embrace His strength as we strive to do His will.
Engaged: We recognize God’s power among us and strive to do His will in all aspects of our lives.
Merciful: We know that everyone falls short of perfection, and we aim to share God’s mercy with all those we interact with.
Generous: Giving back out of what God has given to us, we live out our faith with gifts of time, talent, and resources.
Good Samaritan partners with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the Metro DC Synod.