Reconciliation, Relationship and the Baggage We Carry

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gslclogo….from worship at Good Sam on Oct 5, 2014

This is Week 3 of our Fall Focus called “Faith and Reconciliation in the life of Jacob”

Twenty years after Jacob arrived in Padden-aram God has blessed Jacob and given him wives and sons, flocks, herds, servants and riches that seem to overflow because of God’s faithfulness. Now Jacob prepares to return to his homeland, to reconcile with his brother, and to assume his rightful place in the land and in the promises of God.

Genesis 32 and 33   Today Jacob reunites with Esau, but his journey with God is only just beginning.  His journey home to his father’s house in peace is accomplished but his journey home to his Father’s house has a number of trials yet to endure.

There are many forms of baggage that we carry with us, they are not just backpacks and book bags.  Most of our relationships are cluttered with fears and hopes, issues and hurts and how we engage or fail to engage in building relationships with others is effected by all these things.  But God comes to us in spite of our baggage. God come right to us and seeks to engage us in life and faith.  Perhaps in encountering God we will gain the courage to let go of our stuff and welcome one another from our hearts.

 Audio recording of the message from Worship at Good Sam on October 5, 2014   called “Reconciliation, Relationship and the Baggage We Carry”  By Pastor Shannon Anderson