Project: Farming 4 Hunger

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Join us on an all congregation “God’s Work. Our Hands.” group outing on Saturday, September 10th, (9 am to Noon) at Farming 4 Hunger.

Groups and individuals are invited to help harvest crops, sort veggies, pack (shaded) fresh produce from the fields.  There are things for everyone of every age to do at the site.  If you and/or your family are planning to attend this service project,
Sign up here or on the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall to join us on Sept 10, 9 am to Noon. Please remember to bring along a signed and printed F4H waiver, cold water, sunscreen and wear closed-toed shoes. 

Where: Serenity Farm/Ashlee’s Garden, at Farming 4 Hunger
Point of Contact: Drew Hartigan
Located at: 6932 Serenity Farm Road, Benedict, Maryland 20612. From Lexington Park: Take Rt. 235 to Rt. 5 towards Hughesville. Turn right on Rt. 231 toward Prince Frederick.  The farm will be on your left, before the Rt. 231 Bridge across the Patuxent. Park and meet at the first large farm building with the greenhouse in front.

Check out the video to get a preview of what the experience is like:

Here’s a preview of the day:
8:45 – 9:00 am  Gather in the main building
9:00 – 9:15 am  Welcome and Intro
9:25 – 10:45 am  Activities: Gleaning and picking of what is in season; packing up food boxes; and other helpful activities. An animal tour for the kids may be organized.
10:45 – 11:00 am  Gather back in main building
11:00 – 12:00N  Staff introductions and stories, photo galleries, and group pictures.
12:15 –  Bring a picnic and stay to visit and tour more of the farm.About Farming 4 Hunger: 

farming for hungerFarming 4 Hunger (F4H) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization formed in 2012 to serve those in need of fresh food in Southern Maryland. The organization grows and distributes over a million pounds of locally grown, fresh food each year. Bernie Fowler Jr., founder, had a vision through his own personal struggles to help people in his hometown gain better access to fresh fruits and vegetables. Bernie was tired of only seeing nutrient-poor foods (canned and boxed goods) going to food banks, aiding in Americas ongoing struggle with childhood obesity and diabetes. He also realized local farmers were struggling to make ends meet. People were being fed, yes, but he realized that we as a community must do better. F4H accomplishes its mission through unique partnerships with 27 local farms, 20+ churches, local businesses and schools, the Maryland Food Bank, the Department of Corrections, and a great network of community volunteers.

Our Mission is to feed the hungry and help feed the soul. Hunger comes in many different ways.  Healing the mind, body and spirit is at the core of Farming 4 Hunger. We believe if you serve others, you too will be fed.