Worship Sundays at 9 am
The CoVid Task Force emailed an update to the congregation last week. You will find the update here.
Beginning this Sunday, March 21st, Sunday worship will be offered:
-in person, outdoors
-in case of inclement weather, in person, indoors
-virtually on Zoom
-Friday emails will continue to go out alerting you to the plan for Sunday (outdoors or indoors)
For everyone’s safety, please practice the following:
-register for each worship service that you will be attending in person
-wear a mask at all times, covering both your nose and mouth
-keep a distance of at least 6 feet between yourself and others
-stay home if you are sick or experiencing symptoms
What to Expect
-for outdoor worship, you may bring your own chair
-you may print out the worship service guide and bring it with you or download it to your device
-individually sealed juice & wafers will be used for communion
We are looking for people who will serve as hosts/hostesses (usher) for worship, welcoming people, signing them in, offering sanitizer, and assisting with traffic flow. If God is calling you to serve in this way, please email Good Sam Office at goodsamoffice@gmail.com.
For additional information, please go to the Good Samaritan website COVID Resource Page. Thank you to everyone for practicing social distancing and wearing your masks! We look forward to you worshipping with us in person or on Zoom this Sunday!