To Practice Humility as an Advent Discipline

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 (taking the message with you…)

Reflecting on Worship for December 9 (Advent 2)

Luke 14:7-11

Where would you place yourself on this scale?

(Very Humble)  1    2    3    4    5   (“Humble, what’s that??  Are you kidding?!)

Do you long to hear words like “friend, move up to a better place?”  No, these words are not from the TV show “The Jefferson’s” These are words are from a parable of Jesus.  Wouldn’t it be nice to hear these words of honor, “Come friend, move up higher” and  “You are honored in my presence.”  One way to be sure that this never happens is to always seek the highest and best spots for yourself.

On the other hand, the practice of humility is a great discipline.  (Kind of reminds me of “discipleship.”)  The humble person sees other individuals as no better or worse than themselves.  Humility is a sober and self deprecating thing.

Do you like these qualities in others?  Do you even recognize them in others or yourself?  Was Jesus humble?  Humility was the kind of heart that belonged to Mary, the Mother of Jesus.

Where in your life might be a good place to practice Jesus’ advice and Mary’s heart?  How might we go about developing this character in ourselves?  It might be in the grocery line, or you might practice it where two traffic lanes merge into one.  You might also apply this to someone near you who is having a fit of a day and you can step aside to help or let them go first.

It’s about waiting for honor to find you, and instead of looking for it – to begin silently behaving in a way that honor has some chance of finding you.  Here is another way to gauge it all, ask a true friend, “Where would you put me on this scale?

(Very Humble)  1    2    3    4    5   (“Humble, what’s that??  Are you kidding?!)

Let God do the lifting up and let me remain humble!