Worship Sundays at 9 am
Growing in faith includes serving others. Good Sam engages in projects and local mission trips to do God’s Work with Our Hands. All ages are welcome and invited to participate.
On Saturday, June 3rd, we collaborated with the St. Mary’s County Community Development Corporation and the Church of the Ascension to be a part of the 2nd Annual Great Mills Road Clean-Up! We were PRESENT and ACTIVE in the community, helping improve the lives of those that live in our area & being the hands & feet of Jesus!
On the weekend of September 9th & 10th we’ll join with our entire nation-wide church body in the 10th annual ‘God’s Work. Our Hands.’ Work Day. Our local project will be in-tandem with Beacon of Hope, a recovery group with whom we share our campus. Stay tuned for more details, coming soon!

WARM (Wrapping Arms ‘Round Many), is a ministry that serves the homeless community in the local area. Good Samaritan and many other local churches offer overflow shelter and meals during the colder winter months of November through early April. It takes over 100 volunteers during our host week so there are lots of opportunities to serve. Volunteer service opportunities include: preparing and serving meals, doing laundry, acting as a monitor, cleaning the facility, organizing donations and serving on the WARM leadership team.
“God’s Work. Our Hands.” Sunday
GWOH Sunday is a yearly day of service organized by the ELCA. The past two years we joined together with other congregations in our area to volunteer at Farming4Hunger, a local non-profit organization that feeds people both physically and mentally through locally grown and distributed food and Life Sharing initiatives.

St. Mary’s Caring
The Soup Kitchen at St. Mary’s Caring is a community based nonprofit ministry serving breakfast and lunch to hungry people in St. Mary’s Co six days a week. This organization is housed on our campus and a close partnership has also evolved through the sharing of food and clients between the soup kitchen and our food pantry. St. Mary’s Caring is staffed by a part time director but about 60 regular volunteers are needed to keep the operation functioning. Volunteers are needed to prepare and serve meals, pick up food donations, help with fund-raising, and help maintain the building and equipment. For further information about the Soup Kitchen you can check out their website at www.stmaryscaring.org.
Other Opportunities
Good Sam is dedicated to finding ways for you to live out your faith and be the hands and feet of Jesus, even on your own! Some service opportunities cannot be embarked upon by the entire congregation due to distance, logistics, cost, or other complications. If one of the opportunities speaks to you, it may be the Holy Spirit at work, and we encourage and invite you to serve!
If you know of a project that needs help, please let Kelsey know. Check back regularly for updates!